How Much Activity Should I Be Getting?

The UK chief medical officers have today released new guidelines on physical activity based on the latest research.  (Published 7th September 2019). The guidelines are summarised into age groups.

Children and Young People (5 to 18 years)

  • Children should participate in at  least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous exercise every day.

  • Children should develop and maintain muscle tone and strength.

  • Chldren should minimise sedentary pastimes and intersperse inactivity with physical activity.

Adults (19 to 64 years)

  • For good physical and mental health, adults should aim to be physically active every day.

  • Adults should participate in activities to develop or maintain strength in the major muscle groups. Muscle strengthening activities should be done on at least two days a week.

  • Each week, adults should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity (such as brisk walking or cycling); or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity (such as running); or an even shorter duration of very vigorous intensity activity (such as sprinting or stair climbing); or a combination of moderate, vigorous and very vigorous intensity activity.

  • Adults should aim to minimise sedentary lifestyles.

Older Adults (65 years and over)

  • Older adults should participate in daily physical activity.

  • Older adults should maintain or improve their physical function by undertaking activities aimed at improving or maintaining muscle strength, balance and flexibility on at least two days a week. 

  • Each week older adults should aim to accumulate 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity, building up gradually from current levels. Those who are already regularly active can achieve these benefits through 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity, to achieve greater benefits. 

  • Weight-bearing activities should be included to maintain bone health.

  • Older adults should aim to minimise sedentary lifestyles, or at least with standing, as this has distinct health benefits for older people. 

If you are finding that aches, pains or stiffness are preventing you from achieving the goals set out above please do contact Victoria at ThamesPhysio for an assessment to see if we can address these problems and get you back on the road to full fitness.